Place his arrows in the appropriate hand for whichever type of equipment you wish to duplicate - right for weapons, left for shields. If you equip this slot again, one will be in your hand and the item will reappear in the menu with a quantity of 255.Īnother method requires the Avenger sword, and must be used on Cecil. Equip something in this slot, then unequip it and it will "disappear" - you actually have 256 of it at this point. Run from the battle, then enter the equipment menu, you should see a character (this will vary depending on version) and 5 next to the hand with the first piece of equipment you removed. Now select the other piece of equipment and place it into the same empty slot as before - your first piece of equipment will have been automatically moved into the first open slot. Take the second slot and replace a piece of equipment with it. It's similar to the above, but make sure you have two adjacent item slots open. The next method must be done on a character with equipment in both hands.

Unequip the item, and both will be placed into the inventory. A quantity of 2 will appear to the right of the item name.

After battle, access the equip menu and equip the weapon or shield you wish to duplicate, depending on which slot you swapped the blank item into. Close the item menu and finish the battle using any method. Scroll up to the character's equipped weapon or shield and swap it for the blank slot. In battle, have the character you want to duplicate equipment on access the item menu and select a blank slot. The first method can be used on any character with any equipment. It is possible to duplicate weapons and shields using several methods during a battle. The western versions add a registered trademark symbol after "FINAL FANTASY", but this is not present in the Japanese version. The blending on the glow effect is a little different, making the logo appear duller toward the edges. The PlayStation title is pretty much the same as the original, but with updated copyright info and a new Square logo. In order to have space for the Easy Type subtitle graphics, the developers had to overwrite some of the gradient logo, so the glow effect was removed, revealing the true coloration of the logo. This is done by alpha blending a color gradient logo over top of the standard logo graphics. The title logo of Final Fantasy IV has a nice glow effect where the logo starts dark at the edges and gets brighter closer to the crystal. 2.8 Wrong Battle Scripts for Underworld Encounters.2.2 Forced Repeated Actions in Zeromus Battle.